Conference Venue and Hotels, connections
Map of Olomouc with hotels and pensions
In the description below, the following abbreviations are used:
K - Konvikt (conference hall)
R - Railway station (bus and tram stop Hlavní nádraží)
KONVIKT (conference venue), Univerzitní 3
- from R to K: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (4th stop, 5min), then 200m by foot, directly 1.7km by foot
Univerzitní 20
- from R to 1: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (4th stop, 5min), then 200m by foot, directly 1.7km by foot
- from 1 to K: Konvikt is next to hotel
Krapkova 34
- from R to 2: tram num. 1, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Výstaviště Flora (12min), then 400m by foot
- from 2 to K: tram num. 4, 6 (<10min interval) from Výstaviště Flora to Náměstí Republiky (8min), then 200m by foot or directly 1km by foot
Brněnská 55
- from R to 3: bus num. 21 (long intervals, >30min) to Hesperia (terminus, 35min) or tram num. 1, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Pinýrská (15min) and then 700m by foot
- from 3 to K: tram num. 4, 6 (<10min interval) from tram stop Pionýrská to Náměstí Republiky (12min), then 200m by foot
Pension KŘIVÁ
Křivá 8
- from R to 4: tram num. 1, 5 (<10min interval) to Tržnice (6min), then 270m by foot or directly 2km by foot
- from 4 to K: 650m by foot
Pension BEST
Na Střelnici 48
- from R to 5: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Naměstí Hrdinů (9min), then 800m by foot or from Náměstí Hrdinů by bus num. 17, 18, 22 (about 30min interval) to Na Střelnici (next stop) and then 400 m by foot
- from 5 to K: 1km by foot
Jeremenkova 36
- from R to 6: hotel is in front of the railway station
- from 6 to K: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (4th stop, 5min), then 200m by foot or directly 1.7km by foot
Hamerská 46 (out of the city)
- from R to 7: bus num. 19, 23 (20min interval) to Pekárny or U Mlýna (8min), then 2km by foot (better take a taxi)
- from 7 to K: bus num. 19, 23 (20min interval) from U Mlýna or Pekárny to Hlavní Nádraží (Railway station, 8min), then tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (5min), then 200m by foot
Pension Caruso
Střední Novosadská 30
- from R to 8: bus num. 14 (>30min interval) to U Rybářského stavu (19min) or by tram num. 1, 5 (<10min interval) to Tržnice (6min), then change to bus num. 16 (15min interval) to U Rybářského stavu (9min), then 300m by foot
- from 8 to K: bus num. 14, 16 (15min interval) to Náměstí Hrdinů (18min), then by tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (5min), then 200m by foot
web: not found
phone: +420 585 435 721
fax: +420 585 437 183
Pension Křelov
Lipové nám. 27, Křelov (a village near Olomouc)
- from R to 9: buses leading to Příkazy or Litovel (no urban transport), better take a taxi
- from 9 to K: buses from Příkazy or Litovel leading to Náměstí Hrdinů, Tržnice or Hlavní Nádraží
Pension Horka
Vodní 45, Horka nad Moravou (a village near Olomouc)
- from R to 10: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Hrdinů (10min), change to bus num. 18, 20 (30min, 60min interval resp.) to Horka Sedlisko (bus num. 20, 15min) or Horka (bus num. 18, 15min), then 400m or 900m by foot resp.
- from 10 to K: bus num. 20 (30min interval) from bus stop Horka Sedlisko or bus num. 18 (60min interval) from bus stop Horka to Náměstí Hrdinů (15min), then change to tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (5min), then 200m by foot
Pension UNO
Řepčínská 11
- from R to 11: tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Hrdinů (10min), change to bus num. 18 (60min interval) to Řepčínská (6min), then 100m by foot or change to bus num. 20 (30min interval) to Svatoplukova (6min), then 600m by foot
- from 11 to K: bus num. 18 (60min interval) from Řepčínská or bus num. 20 (30 min interval) from Svatoplukova to Náměstí Hrdinů (6min), change to tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (10min), then 200 by foot
Pension Archa
Darwinova 252/39, Svatý Kopeček (a village near Olomouc)
- from R to 12: bus num. 11, 111 (15min interval) to Svatý Kopeček ZOO (19min), then 900m by foot
- from 12 to K: bus num. 11, 111 (15 min interval) from Svatý Kopeček ZOO to Hlavní Nádraží (Railway station, 19min), then change to tram num. 2, 4, 6 (<10min interval) to Náměstí Republiky (5min), then 200m by foot
web (in Czech only):
map of city buses and trams